Ari Kohn
Ari Kohn | Payoneer Team

When you convert funds with Payoneer we use the applicable market rate and our low 0.5% fee of the amount transferred is automatically deducted. You’ll always know exactly how much of the new currency you’re going to receive.

What’s in it for you?

All your currencies, none of the hassle

From dollars and euros to pounds and yen, converting currency is simple and cheap.

Fast conversions

Converted funds will appear in your Payoneer balance in mere minutes.*

Low, fixed rate and zero hidden fees

There are no surprises here, just simple and swift currency conversions.

How does it work?

Ensure you always have the currency that you need for your global payments by using our multi-currency conversion service.

  • Step 1

    Sign in to Payoneer
    and navigate to “Activity > Manage Currencies”.

  • Step 2

    Enter the amount and currency you wish to exchange and select the currency you want.

  • Step 3

    Verify the fees, the amount you will receive, and submit your request. Simple!

* In some cases, it may take several hours for funds to appear in your balance. Services are subject to limitations and eligibility requirements.

What can you do with your funds?

Make business payments

Pay any of your suppliers, contractors, and business partners directly from your Payoneer balance.

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Make eCommerce VAT payments

Are you an online seller? Pay VAT in multiple countries from your Payoneer balance for FREE!

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Get answers in our FAQs

What currencies can I manage?

We currently support the following currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, JPY and CNH. In addition, conversion to CZK, PLN, RUB and VND is available for tax payment purposes (subject to availability).
The list of supported currencies may change from time to time and differ from region to region.

Note: At this time, we don’t support transferring to a balance whose currency is the same as your local currency.

How long does it take for funds to be transferred between my balances?

From the moment the request is submitted, funds are generally transferred to the receiving balance within minutes.

In some cases it may take several hours for funds to appear in your balance.

Are there limits on how much money I can transfer?

You cannot transfer more than you have in your balance.

Some periodic limits may also apply. If any limit is exceeded, we’ll let you know before completing the request.

Can I manage currencies 24/7?

There may be periods of time when certain currencies cannot be transferred, for example, when certain markets are closed. If you select a currency that is temporarily unavailable, a message will be displayed to let you know.